Till Heeg was born in Southern Germany and from a very young age has been fascinated by the world of sports and movement, which became his biggest source of inspiration. His journey along the path of healing arts and holistic bodywork began with his degree in physical therapy in 2002 and took a new turn shortly afterwards, when he discovered his deep love for Thai Yoga Massage in Lahu Village (Thailand). From that point on, his inner dharma light was irrevocably set alight.
Today, he humbly follows this calling, sharing his passion and passing the gifts he has received to as many like-minded souls as possible. Being certified by the Sunshine Network, he teaches Basic and Advanced Thai Yoga Massage courses, respecting the ancient roots of this very special healing art, while being open-minded about the influence and inspiration that enriches his practice – whether it comes from clients, students, friends, family or other teachers.
On his path of healing within, he continuously explores related methods, such as osteopathy (especially osteothai), athletic training (EXOS), sports physiotherapy, biodynamic craniosacral therapy and the holistic approach of nutrition.
The constant search for his inner truth is ever present while studying Advaita Vedanta, practicing Vipassana meditation, using medicinal herbs and practicing yoga.
Till is renowned for his deep, precise and warm touch, which transfers love and energy – the only true door openers concerning blockages in body and mind. Intuition, awareness and compassion are his most important guides, both in giving treatments and in daily life. He is deeply convinced: true love is the answer for the most urgent questions of our time.

​Till Heeg Etkinlikleri
