
The Conference 'A Mindful Pause' Akyaka Retreats x Wyndham Ankara

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The Conference 'A Mindful Pause' Akyaka Retreats x Wyndham Ankara
The Conference 'A Mindful Pause' Akyaka Retreats x Wyndham Ankara

Tarih: 2-3 Mart / Cumartesi-Pazar 
Yer: Wyndham Ankara


Birlikte bilinçli bir 'DUR' diyelim ve ardından coşku dolu bir ‘BAŞLAT' ile yeniden ama daha heyecanlı ve umutlu devam edelim. Şehir koşuşturmasından kısa bir mola olarak tasarlanan bu etkinlik, kendimize yatırım yapmak için altın bir fırsat. Başlangıç seviyesine uygun, tüm seanslar herkesi sıcak bir şekilde karşılıyor.

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.

Etkinlik Programı:

2 Mart Cumartesi
Tanışma & Breakfast & Digital Art Exhibit Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox, Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
10:00 - 11:30 Demet Yoruç Yoga / Vinyasa Krama / ‘Pozları Sıralamanın Unutulmuş Sanatı’
11:30 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee Experience
11:45 - 13:00 Varhda Reiner / Mindfulness + Meditation ‘Who am I?’ A meditative journey to yourself * Simultaneous Translator
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Açık Büfe Öğle Yemeği
14:00 - 15:00 WORKSHOP / The Sim.Co ile Aromaseans yağlar ile kendi doğal kokunu yarat. *tek gün ve iki günlük biletin içine dahildir ve katılım kontenjanlıdır.
14:00 - 15:00 Nilüfer Ormanlı - Mantra Hour / 'Sound & Meditation’
15:00- 15:30 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
15:30 - 17:00 Pelin Dilara Çolak / Felsefeci - Spiritüalizm vs Materyalizm Sohbeti
17:00 - 17:30 Delicious Break / Plant-based snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
17:30 - 18:45 Tuğçe İnam - Yoga / ‘Suyla Yeniden Doğmak’
19:30 Dinner No:4 w/ ‘the conference’ community *Opsiyonel, bilete dahil değildir.

3 Mart Pazar
09:30 Check-in / Breakfast Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
*Tanışma & Digital Art Exhibit
10:00 - 11:15 Sine Özsoy - Iyengar Yoga / ‘Zihnimizin ve bedenimizin doğasında üç nitelik, Tamas, Rajas, Satva’
11:15 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
11:45 - 13:00 Prof. Dr. Meltem Yalınay & Beslenme Uzmanı Elvan Odabaşı /‘Suyun Hakikati’
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Açık Büfe Öğle Yemeği
14:00 - 15:30 Devrim Akkaya / Yin Yoga ‘Bir Metafor olarak Suyun Döngüleri’
15:30 - 16:00 Delicious Break / Plant-based Snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee
16:00 - 17:15 Melis Aygen - Numeroloji & Doğum Numarası / Su, Tuz & Rahim
18:00 - 19:00 Aslı Bostancı / Harmonik Ses Yolculuğu
19:15 ‘very short’ Goodbyes / See you next time

*Derslerimiz her seviyeye uygundur. *Yemeklerimizin hepsi ‘plant based’.

**Aldığın biletle DOĞÇEV, Doğa ve Çevreyi Koruma, Yaşatma Derneği'ne katkıda bulunuyorsun. Elde edilen gelirin bir kısmını bu özel derneğe bağışlıyoruz.

Fiyatlara dahil olan hizmetler: Tüm derslere ve workshoplara katılım. Kahvaltı, tüm gün ve aralarda çay/kahve/su ve atıştırmalıklar, Wyndham şeflerinin özel tarifleri ile vegan öğlen yemeği fiyata dahildir.

Fiyata dahil olmayan hizmetler : Konaklama, Ulaşım, akşam yemeği, menüden söylenen ekstralar.

** Ders Paketi olan katılım seçeneklerinde, hangi derse katılım sağlayacağınızı mesaj gönder kutucuğundan iletmeniz gerekmektedir.

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.


The Conference 'A Mindful Pause' 2&3 March 2024
Location: Wyndham Ankara
Take a Mindful 'PAUSE' together and then joyfully hit 'PLAY' from where we left off, but with more excitement and hope. Crafted as a short break from the city rush, this event presents a golden opportunity to invest in ourselves. Beginner-friendly, all sessions warmly welcome everyone.
ENGLISH Classes / All yoga classes are suitable for English speakers if you are some what experiened in basics of yoga. Sound Therapy classes can be attanded since it is like a sound meditaion / inactive classes. Workshops since they are small groups, teacher can translate it in English. Mindfulness, Vardha Reiner's class is going to be in English. Good News is, If you wish to attend all classes we can arrange a translator for you. Let us know.
2 MARCH, Saturday
09:30 Meet and Greet & Breakfast & Digital Art Exhibit
Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox, Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
10:00 - 11:30 Demet Yoruç Yoga / Vinyasa Krama
11:30 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
11:45 - 13:00 Varhda Reiner / Mindfulness + Meditation
‘Who am I?’ A meditative journey to yourself * Simultaneous Translator
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 WORKSHOP / The Sim.Co Aromatherapy oil making- Included in one or two day tickets, must make a reservation.
14:00 - 15:00 Nilüfer Ormanlı - Mantra Hour- Sound Therapy
15:00- 15:30 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
15:30 - 17:00 Pelin Dilara Çolak / Philosophy- Spiritüalizm vs Materyalizm
17:00 - 17:30 Delicious Break / Plant-based snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee
17:30 - 18:45 Tuğçe İnam - Yoga
19:30 Dinner @ No:4 w/ ‘the conference’ community (optional, not included in the price)
09:30 Check-in / Breakfast
Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee / Meeting & Digital Art Exhibit
10:00 - 11:15 Sine Özsoy - Iyengar Yoga
11:15 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
11:45 - 13:00 Prof. Dr. Meltem Yalınay & Beslenme Uzmanı Elvan Odabaşı / Water as FOOD
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Devrim Akkaya / Yin Yoga
15:30 - 16:00 Delicious Break / Plant-based Snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee
16:00 - 17:15 Melis Aygen - Numerology Talk
18:00 - 19:00 Aslı Bostancı / Sound Therapy
19:15 ‘very short’ Goodbyes / See you next time
WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE one day and two day PRICE: Participation in all classes and workshops. Breakfast, Tea/coffee/water and snacks during breaks, and a vegan lunch with special recipes from Wyndham chefs are all included in the price.
NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: Accommodation, Transportation, dinner, extras mentioned in the menu.
*It would be a good idea to bring a MAT, SHAWL / BLANKET, Yoga MAT, Yoga BLOCK and comfortable clothes for your personal use.
*Everyone must have a ticket in their own name to enter the event. - Name changes cannot be made on tickets and are valid for the day you purchase them. - It is not possible to refund the ticket.
*Children under the age of 15 are not eligible to participate in the event.
*There may be changes in the program. In such a case, changes will be shared with you via email.
* We will share the EXACT hours of the program as the event date approaches.

* Prices shown are money transfer/EFT prices. Bank commission will be added for payments by credit card.

**For participation and detailed information, you can use the workshopix message box in the lower right corner.


Tarih: 2-3 Mart / Cumartesi-Pazar 
Yer: Wyndham Ankara


Birlikte bilinçli bir 'DUR' diyelim ve ardından coşku dolu bir ‘BAŞLAT' ile yeniden ama daha heyecanlı ve umutlu devam edelim. Şehir koşuşturmasından kısa bir mola olarak tasarlanan bu etkinlik, kendimize yatırım yapmak için altın bir fırsat. Başlangıç seviyesine uygun, tüm seanslar herkesi sıcak bir şekilde karşılıyor.

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.

Etkinlik Programı:

2 Mart Cumartesi
Tanışma & Breakfast & Digital Art Exhibit Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox, Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
10:00 - 11:30 Demet Yoruç Yoga / Vinyasa Krama / ‘Pozları Sıralamanın Unutulmuş Sanatı’
11:30 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee Experience
11:45 - 13:00 Varhda Reiner / Mindfulness + Meditation ‘Who am I?’ A meditative journey to yourself * Simultaneous Translator
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Açık Büfe Öğle Yemeği
14:00 - 15:00 WORKSHOP / The Sim.Co ile Aromaseans yağlar ile kendi doğal kokunu yarat. *tek gün ve iki günlük biletin içine dahildir ve katılım kontenjanlıdır.
14:00 - 15:00 Nilüfer Ormanlı - Mantra Hour / 'Sound & Meditation’
15:00- 15:30 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
15:30 - 17:00 Pelin Dilara Çolak / Felsefeci - Spiritüalizm vs Materyalizm Sohbeti
17:00 - 17:30 Delicious Break / Plant-based snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
17:30 - 18:45 Tuğçe İnam - Yoga / ‘Suyla Yeniden Doğmak’
19:30 Dinner No:4 w/ ‘the conference’ community *Opsiyonel, bilete dahil değildir.

3 Mart Pazar
09:30 Check-in / Breakfast Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
*Tanışma & Digital Art Exhibit
10:00 - 11:15 Sine Özsoy - Iyengar Yoga / ‘Zihnimizin ve bedenimizin doğasında üç nitelik, Tamas, Rajas, Satva’
11:15 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
11:45 - 13:00 Prof. Dr. Meltem Yalınay & Beslenme Uzmanı Elvan Odabaşı /‘Suyun Hakikati’
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Açık Büfe Öğle Yemeği
14:00 - 15:30 Devrim Akkaya / Yin Yoga ‘Bir Metafor olarak Suyun Döngüleri’
15:30 - 16:00 Delicious Break / Plant-based Snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee
16:00 - 17:15 Melis Aygen - Numeroloji & Doğum Numarası / Su, Tuz & Rahim
18:00 - 19:00 Aslı Bostancı / Harmonik Ses Yolculuğu
19:15 ‘very short’ Goodbyes / See you next time

*Derslerimiz her seviyeye uygundur. *Yemeklerimizin hepsi ‘plant based’.

**Aldığın biletle DOĞÇEV, Doğa ve Çevreyi Koruma, Yaşatma Derneği'ne katkıda bulunuyorsun. Elde edilen gelirin bir kısmını bu özel derneğe bağışlıyoruz.

Fiyatlara dahil olan hizmetler: Tüm derslere ve workshoplara katılım. Kahvaltı, tüm gün ve aralarda çay/kahve/su ve atıştırmalıklar, Wyndham şeflerinin özel tarifleri ile vegan öğlen yemeği fiyata dahildir.

Fiyata dahil olmayan hizmetler : Konaklama, Ulaşım, akşam yemeği, menüden söylenen ekstralar.

** Ders Paketi olan katılım seçeneklerinde, hangi derse katılım sağlayacağınızı mesaj gönder kutucuğundan iletmeniz gerekmektedir.

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.


The Conference 'A Mindful Pause' 2&3 March 2024
Location: Wyndham Ankara
Take a Mindful 'PAUSE' together and then joyfully hit 'PLAY' from where we left off, but with more excitement and hope. Crafted as a short break from the city rush, this event presents a golden opportunity to invest in ourselves. Beginner-friendly, all sessions warmly welcome everyone.
ENGLISH Classes / All yoga classes are suitable for English speakers if you are some what experiened in basics of yoga. Sound Therapy classes can be attanded since it is like a sound meditaion / inactive classes. Workshops since they are small groups, teacher can translate it in English. Mindfulness, Vardha Reiner's class is going to be in English. Good News is, If you wish to attend all classes we can arrange a translator for you. Let us know.
2 MARCH, Saturday
09:30 Meet and Greet & Breakfast & Digital Art Exhibit
Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox, Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee Experience
10:00 - 11:30 Demet Yoruç Yoga / Vinyasa Krama
11:30 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
11:45 - 13:00 Varhda Reiner / Mindfulness + Meditation
‘Who am I?’ A meditative journey to yourself * Simultaneous Translator
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 WORKSHOP / The Sim.Co Aromatherapy oil making- Included in one or two day tickets, must make a reservation.
14:00 - 15:00 Nilüfer Ormanlı - Mantra Hour- Sound Therapy
15:00- 15:30 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
15:30 - 17:00 Pelin Dilara Çolak / Philosophy- Spiritüalizm vs Materyalizm
17:00 - 17:30 Delicious Break / Plant-based snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee
17:30 - 18:45 Tuğçe İnam - Yoga
19:30 Dinner @ No:4 w/ ‘the conference’ community (optional, not included in the price)
09:30 Check-in / Breakfast
Home-made Granola by Naked Bites, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee / Meeting & Digital Art Exhibit
10:00 - 11:15 Sine Özsoy - Iyengar Yoga
11:15 - 11:45 Break / TeaCo & The Whirl Coffee
11:45 - 13:00 Prof. Dr. Meltem Yalınay & Beslenme Uzmanı Elvan Odabaşı / Water as FOOD
13:00 - 14:00 Plant-based Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Devrim Akkaya / Yin Yoga
15:30 - 16:00 Delicious Break / Plant-based Snacks by InPut, h.tox Smoothies, Fresh Juice, TeaCO ve The Whirl Coffee
16:00 - 17:15 Melis Aygen - Numerology Talk
18:00 - 19:00 Aslı Bostancı / Sound Therapy
19:15 ‘very short’ Goodbyes / See you next time
WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE one day and two day PRICE: Participation in all classes and workshops. Breakfast, Tea/coffee/water and snacks during breaks, and a vegan lunch with special recipes from Wyndham chefs are all included in the price.
NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: Accommodation, Transportation, dinner, extras mentioned in the menu.
*It would be a good idea to bring a MAT, SHAWL / BLANKET, Yoga MAT, Yoga BLOCK and comfortable clothes for your personal use.
*Everyone must have a ticket in their own name to enter the event. - Name changes cannot be made on tickets and are valid for the day you purchase them. - It is not possible to refund the ticket.
*Children under the age of 15 are not eligible to participate in the event.
*There may be changes in the program. In such a case, changes will be shared with you via email.
* We will share the EXACT hours of the program as the event date approaches.

* Prices shown are money transfer/EFT prices. Bank commission will be added for payments by credit card.

**For participation and detailed information, you can use the workshopix message box in the lower right corner.
